Kompanija Telekom Srbija u saradnji sa Centrom za razvoj karijere Univerziteta u Beogradu poziva mlade sa stečenom diplomom osnovnih akademskih studija u oblasti informacionih tehnologija (na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu, Fakultetu organizacionih nauka, Matematičkom, Saobraćajnom i srodnim fakultetima (240 ESPB) da se prijave za otvoren konkurs za prijem novih inženjera za realizaciju razvoja, implementaciju i održavanje softverskih i sistemskih rešenja i IT servisa u ovoj kompaniji.
We are looking for an iOS Developer to join our growing team in Belgrade. Candidate will develop and maintain iOS mobile applications for phones and tablets and will be expected to design, code, test and debug these applications. ezyPLANET is an IT company specialized in developing lifestyle Mobile apps which are making the traditional life services more convenient and cheaper for end users. ezyPLANET was founded in 2014 by the group of professionals working in IT industry for more than 30 years