Praksa za pravnike u kompaniji JTI

Još tri dana ostalo je za prijavu za Legal Internship u kompaniji JT International AD Senta. Ako ste nedavno završili studije prava sa prosekom ocena tokom studija preko 8.5, govorite engleski jezik i znate da radite na računaru, imate želju da učite ovo je odlična prilika za vaš razvoj karijere. Rok za prijavu: 4.februar 2016.

About JTI

We are a Member of the Japan Tobacco International Group, an international tobacco product manufacturer, manufacturing and marketing its products which are sold in more than 120 countries worldwide.

Japan Tobacco International started its operations in Serbia in 2003, when the office for Marketing and Sales was opened in Belgrade. In May 2006 JTI bought Senta Tobacco Industry. Branch office of JT International a.d. Senta in Belgrade is a center for managing business of the company in the Western Balkans. 

At JTI we firmly believe that growing business and growing talent go hand in hand. So we are continuously striving to improve the way we do our jobs and learn new skills through ongoing training, while rewarding hard work and enterprise.

Position Purpose

You will have an opportunity to gain practical experience and knowledge while supporting day to day activities of Legal Department, providing continuous assistance in preparing legal documents in order to ensure higher level of delivery of legal services to other departments within JTI local organization.


  • Filing in and recording of the contracts, internal acts, local management decisions and other internal company documents.
  • Coordination of contract and internal documents database
  • Preparation and submission of various requests to state authorities
  • Reviews new issues of Official Gazette of RS and checks announcements on official web sites of various state institutions.
  • Communication and cooperation with law office which is external partner of the company.

Qualifications & Experience

  • Recent graduate of Faculty of Law
  • Excellent academic record exceeding 8.5 grade point average

Skills, Competencies & Languages

  • Fluent in English, both written and spoken
  • Solid command of MS Office package
  • Precise, detail oriented person
  • Reliable and responsible person

Additional Information

We offer you an opportunity to develop in a friendly, dynamic and stimulating environment, international exposure, as well as learning and development opportunities.

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