All students of art, design, visual communications and architecture are invited to submit poster designs for the International Student Poster Design Competition „Age-friendly Living/Altersgerechtes Wohnen 2016“.
Artistic: The competition invites contemporary artistic responses to the topic of age-appropriate and barrier-free design in the home with the aim of finding a new visual language with which to communicate the topic.
Practical: The competition aims to stimulate the attraction of proactively making home improvements that help ensure one can continue to live at home as one grows older. The poster designs should raise awareness of the topic of age-friendly living, addressing in particular the 40–60 age group. The message(s) they convey should be suitable for advertising purposes.
Holding an international poster competition also highlights the creative potential of young people all over the world and communicates it all over the world: the 100 best posters will be featured in a travelling exhibition that will be shown around the world, along with an extensive catalogue containing further entries.
Online uploads are possible until midnight UTC on 31 December 2016. The upload facility then will be deactivated.
Announcement and Exhibition/ Timeline
In March and April 2017, the best 100 nominated posters will be presented in an exhibition at the German Federal Press and Information Office in Berlin.
The three prizewinners will be announced at the opening ceremony of the exhibition. The designers of all 100 selected posters will receive a certificate and a copy of the exhibition catalogue.
A list of all prizewinners will be published in 01 March 2017 following the announcement.
More information: