TC “Raising awareness on Social Rights and Inclusion by using Social Media”

The training course: “Raising awareness on Social Rights and Inclusion by using Social Media” will take place in Serbia (Novi Sad) from 17- 25 May 2016.

Deadline: 5 April 2016
Open to: youth workers, youth leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Spain
Venue: 17-25 May 2016 Novi Sad, Serbia


The training course: “Raising awareness on Social Rights and Inclusion by using Social Media” will take place in Serbia (Novi Sad) from 17- 25 May 2016.

Fast development of technology and information systems plays important role in lives of young people. This accelerated change on internet and new media also obligate the youth organizations to be actively involved in new media in order to reach their target groups. Unfortunately, while being active on internet and social networks, young people are facing Hate speech and other negative consequences of social media. 

This TC is developed for youth leaders and youth workers willing to explore and learn about the main concerns on social inclusion and marginalization and how to use audio-visual and multimedia tools for promoting inclusion, sharing information and advocacy regarding marginalization of young people in online and “offline”/everyday life communities.


Project will gather 33 participants, trainers and staff from 13 organisations and countries Germany, Serbia, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* UN resolution, Poland, Greece, Spain, Bulgaria, France, Romania and Cyprus.

The participants should fulfill the following criteria:

  • Age above 18;
  • To be active youth workers willing to apply and multiply the knowledge received on this training course;
  • Willing to take action in the field of social media campaigning for inclusion and human/social rights of youth with fewer opportunities, setting up the international and local projects;
  • Willing to enter into partnerships with participants from different organisations/countries on behalf of their SOs;
  • Able to work in English;
  • Able to attend the entire duration of the course.


You will be reimbursed with at least of 70% of your travel costs. All accommodation and food costs in the hostel are covered by the organisers.

How to apply?

In order to apply you should fill in the online application form latest by 5 April 2016.

For more information please visit the official call.

Foto: Ivan Aleksić, Wikimedia Commons

Izvor: MladiInfo


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