Otvoren konkurs Green-Tech mreže za razmenu

Obaveštavamo Vas da su konkursi za stipendije u okviru Green-Tech mreže za razmenu otvoreni. Krajnji rok za prijavljivanje je 20. februar 2015. godine. U ovom konkursnom roku, moguća je razmena na svim nivoima studija.

Green-Tech-WB: Smart and Green technologies for innovative and sustainable societies in Western Balkans

Erasmus Mundus Action 2: 551984-EM-1-2014-1-ES-ERA MUNDUS-EMA21

Green-Tech-WB is and Erasmus Mundus action focused on partner countries in lot number 2: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro & Serbia. GREEN-TECH-WB mobility includes 153 grants (28 for Europeans and 125 for WB) around the triangle: cooperation in higher education, research and innovation and under the umbrella of the thematic field of green technologies. GREEN-TECH-WB promotes European HEIs as centres of excellence in learning and research around green technologies and drives this excellence to Western Balkan countries in order to contribute to their better governance and social cohesion, as well as to further connect the region to the global economy.

Više o mogućnostima za stipendiranje studija u okviru ove mreže možete naći na sajtu programa: http://green-tech-wb.uvigo.es


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